Festive fervour has gripped Bollywood and how. Ananya Panday, who shared the Koffee couch with Sara Ali Khan, was pictured as she arrived to attend the Diwali bash at Sara's residence. Ananya Panday chose a pastel-coloured co-ord suit for the party. She opted for a minimal accessory look and looked stunning as ever. Ananya Panday was also pictured with Orry, who has been trending on social media for being spotted at almost every Bollywood party. Ananya's rumoured boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur also attended the party. He was dressed in his traditional best. He chose a red kurta for the party. Aditya was all smiles for the camera and greeted the paparazzi. Take a look at the pictures from the night:
Karan Johar, dressed in his festive best, also attended the party. Take a look:
Ananya and Aditya Roy Kapur were spotted together on various occasions. On Koffee With Karan 8, when Karan Johar asked Ananya if she is dating Aditya, she replied, "I am feeling very Ananya Coy Kapur to answer that question." Asked to confirm her relationship status, Ananya replied to Karan, "I don't think it is last season, I think it's forever. You should... I am not saying you should deny your relationships or accept them. You should just do what works for you and I think some things are private and special and it should be kept that way."
Sara Ali Khan won the Rapid Fire Round. Later, when Ananya talked about snatching Sara's hamper, the actress jokingly said "I'll take away your hamper," referring to her Metro In Dino co-star Aditya Roy Kapur. "Better not," replied Ananya Panday.
Earlier this year, Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur walked together the ramp during a fashion show. They were also pictured together at Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra's Mumbai reception in February. Ananya Panday also cheered for Aditya Roy Kapur at the screening of his web series The Night Manager. He also attended the screening of her film Dream Girl 2 along with his family. They were also pictured at a party hosted for Love Nwantiti singer CKay earlier this year. The actors also watched Greta Gerwig's Barbie together in Mumbai. Pictures from their vacation in Portugal went viral on social media.
Ananya Panday was last seen in Dream Girl 2 and Aditya Roy Kapur in Gumraah.