Actress Neha Marda, who plays a girl faced with atrocities by her chauvinistic husband in TV drama series Doli Armaanon Ki, believes the show gives out a positive message for women to encourage them to live life on their own terms.
The actress was recently in Kanpur to talk to a group of women about their basic rights in a marriage and about women's empowerment.
She said, "I believe we're delivering a very relevant and pertinent social message through our show Doli Armaanon Ki."
The show, aired on Zee TV, has so far captured Urmi's life after marriage - how she enters a marriage with hopes, but sees them getting shattered with each passing day.
Her husband Samrat, played by Mohit Malik, is a male chauvinist with regressive and sexist views on the man-woman relationship. After seeing most of her dreams as a wife fall apart, Urmi faces domestic abuse at the hands of Samrat, who even cheats on her with another woman.
The show recently completed 200 episodes and it has reached a turning point where Urmi's character decides that she will take no more and stands up for herself instead of staying trapped in a troubled marriage.
Neha, who is proud to play the character, said, "In treating domestic abuse and infidelity as absolute deal-breakers and standing up for herself, Urmi lays down a fine example for scores of women in our country trapped in bad marriages to emulate.
"The show is an attempt to reach out to these women and help them find their voice and lost dignity."
The talk was part of Zee TV's initiative to have a countrywide series of symposiums addressing women on the subject of their basic rights in a marriage.