Rohit Shetty, on Thursday, received the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. The filmmaker shared a picture of himself getting the vaccine shot on Instagram. Rohit's passion for action stunts reflects in his movies and he is also known for hosting the famous action reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi. Through his post, Rohit urged his Instafam to get themselves vaccinated and to not to "try to be khatron ke khiladi in real life." Sharing the pictures on Instagram, he wrote: "Action and Stunts are for movies don't try to be a khatron ke khiladi in real life, get vaccinated. It is the only way to fight COVID.Got myself vaccinated today. Thanks to the staff of Nanavati hospital, the procedure was very well organised."
Check out Rohit Shetty's post here:
Besides a picture of himself getting vaccinated, Rohit also shared a picture of himself posing at the vaccination camp of Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital. Several fans, as well as celebrities commented on the post. "Hell yeah! gettin it done, Boss," wrote actor Ranveer Singh in the comments section of the post.
In terms of work, Rohit is currently busy with the shooting for his upcoming film Cirkus. The film stars Ranveer Singh, Jacqueline Fernandez and Pooja Hegde. Meanwhile, Rohit's Sooryavanshi is slated to release in theatres on April 30.
Earlier last month, actor Nagarjuna also received the COVID-19 vaccine shot and urged all those who are eligible to get themselves vaccinated. In his tweet, Nagarjuna wrote: "Got my Covaxin jab yesterday... Absolutely no down time. I urge whoever is eligible to take the vaccine."
Take a look at his tweet here
Malayalam superstar Mohalal also received his COVID-19 vaccine shot last month. Bollywood celebrities who have so far been vaccinated include Neena Gupta, Paresh Rawal, Hema Malini, Rakesh Roshan and wife Pinkie Roshan, and Jeetendra and wife Shobha Kapoor.