Ayushmann Khurrana's upcoming film Dream Girl is featuring in headlines for all funny reasons. Producer Ekta Kapoor shared a picture from the film's trailer launch event and revealed in her post that the phone number given by the filmmakers to contact Pooja (Ayushmann's phone-pal name in the film) on the film's poster, crashed telephone servers for five hours. In Dream Girl, Ayushmann Khurrana plays Lokesh, who dresses up as female mythological characters for local theatre shows while he also doubles as Pooja, who speaks to people as their phone-pal for a living. Ekta Kapoor wrote, "Pooja, I love uuuuu! Tera ko mein Teri! Sachiiiii smoocheeee! In other news the phone number given to call Pooja crashed the server for five hours... Such was the traffic! Poojaaaa kyaaaa jaaadoooooooooo hai yehhh ur truly Dream Girl."
Take a look at Ekta Kapoor's post here:
At the film's trailer launch event, Ayushmann and Ekta were accompanied by the film's lead actress Nushrat Barucha and director Raaj Shaandilyaa. The trailer of Dream Girl was packed with ROFL one-liners and comic sequences, promising a laugh riot in theatres on September 13, when the film releases.
Watch the trailer of Dream Girl here:
The trailer of Dream Girl dropped on the Internet two days after Ayushmann won the Best Actor National Award for AndhaDhun. Simultaneously, his film Badhaai Ho won the Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.
Ayushmann Khurrana, last seen in Article 15, also has Bala, Gulabo Sitabo and Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan in the pipeline.