After the box office success of Shah Rukh Khan's films Pathaan and Jawan this year, the excitement surrounding his upcoming movie, Dunki is palpable. The film, which marks the first-ever collaboration between SRK and Rajkumar Hirani, is scheduled to hit the big screens on December 21. As soon as advance booking opened for Dunki, fans rushed to buy tickets, reports show. In an update shared by Sacnilk, the film, centred around a group of friends and their aspirations to go abroad, has sold 2,55,796 tickets for day 1. So far, Dunki has collected ₹7.46 crore through advance bookings alone.
Ahead of Dunki's release, Shah Rukh Khan has been actively promoting his film. King Khan kicked off the promotional activities by jetting off to Dubai for a special event. During the event, he declared Dunki as his "best film." A widely shared video captures the moment when Shah Rukh Khan was asked to share three words for Dunki. In response, he states, "Rajkumar Hirani," followed by "My best film," and urged everyone to "Please watch on 21st [December]." The declaration of Dunki as his "best film" prompted a surprised reaction from the host and enthusiastic applause from the crowd. The memorable moment was shared by an Instagram fan page with the caption, “ ‘Dunki is my best film,' says Shah Rukh Khan at a promotional event in Dubai.”
A few days ago, details about the runtime and Censor Board certification of the film Dunki were shared on social media. Dunki has a runtime of 2 hours and 41 minutes and has secured a "U/A" certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification, as shared in a tweet by trade expert Girish Johar. For those unfamiliar, a "U/A" certificate implies that the film is unrestricted, but there is a parental discretion advisory for children under 12 years of age.
In a post shared on X (previously known as Twitter), Girish Johar wrote, “SUPER EXCLUSIVE #DUNKI gets "U/A" from Censor. Runtime 2hrs 41mins.”
????????????SUPER EXCLUSIVE????????????#DUNKI gets "U/A" from Censor.
— Girish Johar (@girishjohar) December 15, 2023
Runtime 2hrs 41mins@iamsrk @taapsee @vickykaushal09 @RajkumarHirani @gaurikhan
In addition to SRK, Dunki features Vicky Kaushal, Taapsee Pannu, and Boman Irani in important roles.