Rani Mukerji joined the Durga puja festivities at North Bombay Sarbojanin's Durga Puja on Saturday. The actor wore a golden saree and completed her look with heavy jewellery. Rani Mukerji also wore white (sankha) and red (pola) bangles (a Bengali married woman wears these two bangles) on this occasion. Rani Mukerji was all smiles for the camera. She posed with her family members and acquaintances on this occsion.
Director Imtiaz Ali and Nikkhil Advani also attended the puja at this pandal. Imtiaz Ali was dressed in his casual wear. Nikkhil Advani wore a kurta on this occasion. Rani Mukerji acted in Nikkhil Advani production Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway, which drew her praise and accolades.
Rani Mukerji was in the limelight at Hema Malini's 75th birthday bash a few days back. She wore a turquiose saree at the party. She posed with Madhuri Dixit, Rekha at the party. Rani Mukerji was also pictured with Esha and Shilpa-Shamita Shetty.
Rani Mukerji also attended the 25th anniversary celebration of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar. While each one of them spoke at length about their experience, Rani Mukerji was full of praise for her co-star Shah Rukh Khan, who she called the "most gracious man" she has ever met. Addressing the fans, Rani said, "Shah Rukh for me in romance itself, he is love. I have loved Shah Rukh since the first time I saw him because he is the most gracious man ever to descend on planet." Take a look at the video here:
In terms of work, Rani Mukerji was last seen in Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway. Rani Mukerji's cousins Kajol and son Yug, Tanishaa Mukerji also attended the festivities on Saturday.