The Durgamati trailer presents Bhumi Pednekar in a never-seen-before avatar. Well, she's never played the role of a feisty, disgraced IAS officer, possessed by a vengeful spirit. "Waited so long to share this one with you. Our sweat, blood and hardwork," wrote Bhumi while sharing the Durgamati trailer while Akshay Kumar, who co-produces the film, tweeted: "No one will be spared from her rage!" Interestingly, the trailer of Durgamati doesn't begin with a direct introduction to Bhumi's character - former IAS officer Chanchal Chauhan - instead, sets up the storyline. Directed by G Ashok, Durgamati is a remake of the filmmaker's Tamil horror-thriller Bhaagamathie.
Arshad Warsi opens the Durgamati trailer - he plays a politician named Ishwar Prasad, who has a squeaky clean reputation but appears to be involved in mysterious activities otherwise. During his time, priceless statues of deities start vanishing from temples, which prompts Mahie Gill and Jisshu Sengupta, who play police officers, investigate the matter. They bring in Chanchal Chauhan (Bhumi) from jail in order to dig up dust on Ishwar Prasad and place her in the haunted Durgamati Haveli.
Chanchal continues to survive a series of frightful and torturous happenings in the haveli till she opens a Pandora's Box and is completely possessed by the ghost of Durgamati. She sports a dramatic and intense persona and declares she will not leave until she's made everyone pay for their deeds.
Watch the trailer of Bhumi Pednekar's Durgamati here:
The film's name was recently changed to Durgamati - it was previously titled Durgavati. The makers have booked December 11 as the film's premiere date on Amazon Prime.