On the occasion of Dussehra, Sanjay Dutt's wife Maanayata shared a video of her husband from a puja. Along with the video, she shared a note for her husband, who recently announced his recovery on the health front. "Dedicating this Dusshera to someone who has been such an inspiration not only to me, but to so many others," read an excerpt from Maanayata's post. She added, "Life has thrown many difficulties at him, but he has always fought back with patience, grace and love. And when we thought we finally had peace, life threw yet another challenge."
Later in her post, Maanayata described Sanjay Dutt as her "strength and pride" and she wrote: "Today he has once again proven that a positive mind can win and conquer the worst situation with resilience and courage! There is truly no one like you Sanju, you taught me when the going gets tough, only the tough gets going. You are my strength, my pride, My Ram. Wishing everyone peace and prosperity, love and positivity."
See Maanayata's post here:
On his kids Shahraan and Iqra's 10th birthday earlier this week, Sanjay Dutt shared the news of his recovery on social media. "Last few weeks were very difficult time for my family. But like they say, God gives the hardest battles to his bravest soldiers and today, on the occasion of my kids' birthday, I am happy to come out victorious of the battle and be able to give them the best gift I can - the health and well-being of our family," read an excerpt from his statement.
Sanjay Dutt was earlier married to Richa Sharma, who died of brain tumour in 1996, with whom he has daughter Trishala. She stays with her grandparents in the Unites States Of America. The actor is now married to Maanayata and the couple are parents to 10-year-old twins Shahraan and Iqra.