Handwritten lyrics of Bob Dylan's classic song The Times They Are a-Changin has been sold for $422,500 at an auction.
The 69-year-old singer had written the words on a scrap of paper in the 1960s and experts at Sotheby's in New York estimated the item would fetch between $200,000 to $300,000, but it exceeded their expectation by getting $422,500, reports torontosun.com.
According to auction house bosses, the paper has been bought by Hedge fund manager and contemporary art collector Adam Sender who placed the winning bid on phone.
The 69-year-old singer had written the words on a scrap of paper in the 1960s and experts at Sotheby's in New York estimated the item would fetch between $200,000 to $300,000, but it exceeded their expectation by getting $422,500, reports torontosun.com.
According to auction house bosses, the paper has been bought by Hedge fund manager and contemporary art collector Adam Sender who placed the winning bid on phone.