Ahead of the release of Sonam Kapoor and Anil Kapoor's film Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, Sonam Kapoor's husband Ananad Ahuja took the Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga challenge.Anand Ahuja might be slightly late in taking the challenge on social media but we can't overlook the fact that his post is absolutely adorable. Anand accepted the viral challenge on Thursday and shared multiple pictures of the special "ladki" in his life, who happens to be none other than his wife Sonam Kapoor. The 36-year-old entrepreneur shared several loved-up pictures of himself along with Sonam on his Instagram profile and wrote: "Ek Ladki Ko Dekha." The social media challenge was started by Anil Kapoor as a part of his upcoming film Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga's promotional activities, wherein he nominated his friends and colleagues to share pictures of themselves along with the special women in their lives.
We are eagerly waiting for Sonam's response. Meanwhile, check out Anand Ahuja's post:
Sonam Kapoor, who plays the lead role in the Shelly Chopra Dhar-directed film, accepted the challenge earlier this week. She shared a picture of herself along with her filmmaker sister Rhea Kapoor and wrote: " Ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga jaise my sister is the smartest wisest person I know! Love you Rhea Kapoor. Tag that special ladki in your life!"
Anil Kapoor, who is credited for starting the Ek Ladki Ko Dekha challenge, shared a picture of himself along with his wife Sunita Kapoor on Monday and wrote: "Ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga jaise strong, loving, boss lady... Sunita Kapoor my lifeline, my heart, my home!"
Sonam's cousin Arjun Kapoor also accepted the challenge and he shared a throwback picture of himself along with Sonam. ICYMI, here's the post:
Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga is an unusual love story which has been directed by Shelly Chopra Dhar. The film will open in theaters on Friday. The film stars father-daughter duo Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor, who will be seen sharing screen space for the first time. The film also features Rajkummar Rao and Juhi Chawla.
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja got married in May last year. Anand Ahuja is an entrepreneur. He runs the fashion label Bhane and the sneaker boutique VegNonVeg.