Cricketer KL Rahul recently featured in an advert for a brand, the video of which he shared on Instagram. This, however, is the story of how his girlfriend Athiya Shetty reacted to his post. In the comments section of KL Rahul's Instagram post, Athiya dropped a heart on fire emoji. What followed was a reply from the cricketer. Replying to Athiya's comment, he dropped a hug and a heart emoji in the comments. Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul reportedly started dating in 2019 and they often trend for their Instagram exchanges and pictures from their holidays together.
See KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty's Instagram exchange here:
On the cricketer's birthday in April this year, Athiya shared a super cute set of pictures and she wrote: "Grateful for you, happy birthday." Athiya's father and actor Suniel Shetty commented "truly" on the picture.
In an interview with ETimes a few years ago, Athiya's father and actor Suniel Shetty said, "I love Ahan's girlfriend and I love whom Athiya is seeing. I do not have a problem with that, Mana (Suniel Shetty's wife) doesn't have a problem with that and they are happy."
Athiya Shetty, daughter of Mana and Suniel Shetty, made her Bollywood debut with 2015 film Hero, co-starring Sooraj Pancholi, which was a box office debacle. She also featured in the comedy film Mubarakan and was last seen in the movie Motichoor Chaknachoor with Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The actress has not announced her upcoming projects as of now.