Janhvi Kapoor's latest post might be the most relatable post on the Internet today. On Thursday, the Roohi star shared two pictures of herself in a gorgeous golden lehenga along with a hilarious caption. The pictures were clicked on Sunday when Janhvi attended a grand diwali party hosted by designer Manish Malhotra. For the caption, the actress wrote, "Me when papa says come down and socialise with the guests. Ps. Loved this gold moment." If there was anything more relatable than Jahnvi Kapoor's post was her friend Orry's comment below it. He wrote, "But then u would come in your watermelon pajama set."
Take a look at the post below:
A few days back, in a now-deleted comment on Instagram, Shikhar told Janhvi, “I am all yours.” It all began after Orhan Awatramani, aka Orry, shared a video from a fun party on Instagram. Sara Ali Khan, Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Sara Tendulkar, and Shikhar among others were part of the gala night. Full marks to Orry for recreating the viral trend of “Dance With Me X You Won't See Me Tonight song” with his BFFs. Sharing the video, Orry wrote, “The usual, unusual & apparently casual suspects.” Janhvi, who was missing in the video, was among the first to drop a comment. She said, “Shiku [Shikhar Pahariya]” and added a heart-eye emoji. Cute? Wait, there is more. Janhvi even dropped a message (now deleted) under Shikhar's comment. She asked, “Shikhar Pahariya, who is this pink girl?” Orry jumped in and warned the “pink girl” Tasheen Rahimtoola to “run.” But wait for Shikhar Pahariya's ‘awe'dorable reply (now deleted). He said, “Janhvi Kapoor, I am all yours.” We are not crying, you are crying.
Take a look at the deleted comment below:
Shikhar Pahariya was also part of Janhvi Kapoor's sister Khushi's birthday party. She turned 23 on November 5. In the pictures shared by Orhan Awatramani, Shikhar looks dapper in a satin shirt and pants. Sharing the photo, Orry, who is known for his on-point caption game, said, “You are my favourite.”
Janhvi Kapoor and Shikhar Pahariya were also spotted leaving in the same car at Manish Malhotra's Diwali bash on Sunday. In the video shared by the fan page on Instagram, Shikhar can be seen waiting for Janhvi. Before this, in September, a video of Janhvi and Shikhar dancing at Mukesh Ambani's Ganesh Visarjan created a lot of buzz. Shikhar Pahariya is the grandchild of the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra Sushil Kumar Shinde.
Janhvi Kapoor will next be seen in Mr And Mrs Mahi alongside Rajkummar Rao.