Shreyas Talpade is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Emergency. In an exclusive interview with NDTV's Hardika Gupta, the actor spoke about his co-star Kangana Ranaut, who also serves as the film's director. "Kangana is a fabulous actor. All of us know that. I need not separately say that. We have seen her perform in a manner that very few people are able to. She has won awards, accolades, and applause whenever she has performed something on screen, and trust me, Emergency is not going to be any different. She has put her best foot forward as Indira Gandhi ji in the film Emergency," Shreyas said.
He went on to describe the pleasure of sharing screen space with her, adding, "So, working with her on-screen was fabulous. If your co-star is fabulous, it adds more value to your performance, and I'm lucky and honoured that I shared screen space with her."
The actor also spoke about Kangana's role as a director in Emergency and lauded her preparation for the film. "As far as her being the director, I think there couldn't have been a better director than her for Emergency. The way she was in control, the way she has done her research and homework was fabulous."
Shreyas Talpade also expressed his excitement for future collaborations with Kangana and said, "I genuinely had a great time working with her, and I'm looking forward to working with her on some other projects. It has been a fabulous experience working with her."
Emergency is set against the backdrop of India's Emergency period from 1975 to 1977, a time when civil rights and freedom of the press were severely restricted. The film also stars Milind Soman, Mahim Chaudhary, Anupam Kher, late actor Satish Kaushik, Vishak Nair and others, with a screenplay by Ritesh Shah. The film will release on January 17, 2025.