Vivek Oberoi, Riteish Deshmukh and Aftab Shivdasani recently had a shoot schedule for Indra Kumar's upcoming comic film Masti 2 at the well-known Laxmi Vilas Palace in Vadodara. It was a big fat family outing in Gujarat for the actors as they were accompanied by their better halves. Riteish's wife Genelia D'Souza, Vivek's pregnant wife Priyanka Alva as well as Aftab's girlfriend Nin Dusanj were around.
Considering the film's cast also consists of six starlets Karishma Tanna, Manjari Fadnavis, Sonalee, Kainaat Arora, Bruna Abdalah and Maryam Zakaria who play the onscreen wives and girlfriends of the actor, it was a case of onscreen and offscreen WAGs (Wives and girlfriends).
Says a source, "The unit folk began referring to them as the film WAGs and the real WAGs! The three lead actors, their onscreen wives and girlfriends and their real life wives and girlfriends -- all had great fun together at the shoot. Different varieties of local Gujarati cuisine would be ordered everyday and a huge table would be laid where all the WAGs would sit together and tuck into the delicacies."
The film directed by Indra Kumar and produced by Ashok Thakeria is a sequel to the duo's 2004 outing Masti. Says Thakeria, "We shot the title song at the Darbar Hall of the Laxmi Vilas Palace. I have a very old connect with Vadodara. A family atmosphere was created with everyone present on the sets." Apparently the Laxmi Vilas Palace is considered to be four times the size of Buckingham Palace!
Considering the film's cast also consists of six starlets Karishma Tanna, Manjari Fadnavis, Sonalee, Kainaat Arora, Bruna Abdalah and Maryam Zakaria who play the onscreen wives and girlfriends of the actor, it was a case of onscreen and offscreen WAGs (Wives and girlfriends).
Says a source, "The unit folk began referring to them as the film WAGs and the real WAGs! The three lead actors, their onscreen wives and girlfriends and their real life wives and girlfriends -- all had great fun together at the shoot. Different varieties of local Gujarati cuisine would be ordered everyday and a huge table would be laid where all the WAGs would sit together and tuck into the delicacies."
The film directed by Indra Kumar and produced by Ashok Thakeria is a sequel to the duo's 2004 outing Masti. Says Thakeria, "We shot the title song at the Darbar Hall of the Laxmi Vilas Palace. I have a very old connect with Vadodara. A family atmosphere was created with everyone present on the sets." Apparently the Laxmi Vilas Palace is considered to be four times the size of Buckingham Palace!