On Hrithik Roshan's 50th birthday, the makers of Fighter shared a BTS video that features a montage from Hrithik Roshan's aggressive workout sessions, dance sequences and some scenes from the film. Hrithik Roshan plays Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania in the film. The caption on the post read, "He lights up the screen, every time! The sky is not the limit for his style, charisma and dashing presence. Happy Birthday Patty. #Fighter Forever #FighterOn25thJan."
Check out the video here:
The film's director Siddharth Anand wrote this in his wish for Hrithik, "Apart from wishing you, a little thank you note on your big day. 10 years ago we began our journey together. You believed in me at a point when very few people did. Life has never been the same for me. I don't think I ever thanked you. For the small. And big things. You have a heart like no other. People who know you will vouch for that. Today, my friend, I wish you the best of health, immeasurable happiness and abundant success. A little wish for me too, may we keep walking together."
Meanwhile, Anil Kapoor shared an ROFL post for Hrithik Roshan and he wrote in his caption, "The inspired said to the inspiration - "Are you for real?" Kaun inspired hai aur kaun inspiration ( who is inspired and who is the inspiration), I'll leave the guesswork to you. Happy Birthday HR. Love you Fighter."
Other than Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, Fighter also stars Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi. The film is slated to have a theatrical release on January 25. Siddharth Anand's 2023 release Pathaan was a blockbuster.