The city of Mumbai lit up on Sunday night as actors assembled under one roof to attend the coveted fourth edition of the Filmfare OTT Awards. Actors across all mediums of entertainment, be it films, television or digital, were spotted walking the red carpet in their party best. Actress Alia Bhatt, who bagged the award for Best Actor, Web Original Film (Female), looked effortlessly chic in a black evening gown. Her plus one for the evening was her sister Shaheen Bhatt. Much like Alia Bhatt, actress Shruti Haasan also attended the awards show with her younger sibling Akshara. Both the sisters looked absolutely ravishing. Actresses Sonam Kapoor, Konkona Sen Sharma and Dia Mirza also marked their presence at the event.
Here are some pictures from last night:
Other actors adding a dash of glamour to the red carpet were Scoop star Karishma Tanna, Manushi Chhillar, Radhika Madan, Nimrat Kaur, to name a few. See how the actresses walked the red carpet:
Winning big in the comedy sphere was Maanvi Gagroo, who wore a red gown to the event. Out Of Love actress Rasika Duggal slipped into a black fit for the night while Lust Stories 2 star Amruta Subhash went all desi in a green saree.
Among the male actors, who made it to the event were Manoj Bajpayee, Rajkummar Rao and Vijay Varma, who won top acting honours. All three suited up for the night and looked equally dashing.
Actor Barun Sobti, who won the Best Supporting Actor, Series (Male): Drama for the web series Kohrra, attended the event, so did Harman Baweja and Pratik Gandhi.
Coming back to the OTT awards, web series Kohrra, Scoop and films like Monica, O My Darling and Gulmohar made it to the winners list this year, however it was Vikramaditya Motwane's Jubilee that emerged as one of the top seeds, winning over 5 awards in various departments including Cinematography, sound design, VFX etc.