Megastar Amitabh Bachchan looks more than a little eccentric in the first look of work-in-progress film Piku, co-starring Deepika Padukone. In the picture released officially by makers, a pot-bellied Mr Bachchan is dressed in a checked overshirt and wears an angler's hat from beneath which longish silver locks peep out.
More EXCLUSIVE pictures of @SrBachchan in the first look for PIKU! RT to tell us how much you love it!
- Piku (@PikuTheFilm) October 30, 2014
Mr Bachchan has often experimented with his look on-screen in various films. In Paa, he used prosthetics to play a prematurely aged character. In Shahenshah, he had long hair with one floppy lock falling over an eye.
The Shoojit Sircar-directed Piku explores the intricacies of a father-daughter relationship, played Mr Bachchan and Deepika Padukone. The supporting cast includes actors Irrfan Khan, Moushumi Chatterjee and Bengali star Jisshu Sengupta.
The movie is set to release on April 30, 2015.