Actor Suniel Shetty, in a throwback state of mind, treated his fans to a vintage picture of himself on Tuesday. That's not it, his daughter, actress Athiya Shetty, also updated her Instagram profile with never-seen-before pictures from her childhood. The father-daughter duo set the mood right on Instagram with their throwback treats. Sharing his photo, which appears to be from the 90s, Suniel Shetty wrote: "Once upon a time..." Athiya shared super adorable photos also featuring her mom Mana on her Instagram stories. In one of the pictures, the mother-daughter duo can be seen having a whole lot of fun on an amusement ride.
Check out the aforementioned throwback pictures of Suniel Shetty, Athiya and Mana Shetty here:
Suniel and Mana Shetty are also parents to a son named Ahan. He will make his debut in Bollywood with a Hindi remake of 2018 Telugu blockbuster RX 100.
Not frequently but Suniel Shetty and Athiya occasionally post old pictures of themselves, mostly from their family album. Recently, the actor shared a photo from Ahan's childhood. Before that, he posted an ROFL picture of the siblings making goofy faces for the camera.
On her dad's birthday, Athiya shared some beautiful memories from her childhood. Take a look:
On the work front, Suneil Shetty was last seen in the redux of Sheher Ki Ladki along with Raveena Tandon in Khandaani Shafakhana. Athiya Shetty made her debut in Bollywood with Nikkhil Advani's Hero, in which she shared screen space with Sooraj Pancholi. She was next seen in the 2017 film Mubarakan alongside Anil Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor and Ileana D'Cruz. She was last seen in Motichoor Chaknachoor, in which she co-starred with Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The film released last year.