Former beauty queen Sushmita Sen recently introduced her comeback role as the titular character in Disney+Hotstar's upcoming web-series Aarya with an impactful trailer on Thursday. In a virtual press conference with news agency PTI, the 44-year-old actress revealed that after taking a break from acting, she sent out word that she's finally ready to make a comeback but she had one condition: "I put out a word everywhere that I am ready to work and I will give my everything. But I need something that will help me grow as an actor. If you give me that, I will go out my way. I want to do good work," PTI quoted Sushmita as saying. Aarya is a crime-thriller, in which Sushmita plays the role of a woman, who gets embroiled in an illegal drug racket after an assassination attempt on her husband.
Sushmita Sen was crowned Miss Universe in 1994, two years after which she stepped into Bollywood with 1996 film Dastak. Sushmita, best known for films such as Biwi No 1, Aankhen, Main Hoon Na, Vaastu Shastra, Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya?, was last seen in Bengali film Nirbaak. 2010 movie No Problem remains Sushmita's last Bollywood film.
Talking about her comeback role in Aarya, Sushmita she finally zeroed in on the role after a prolonged wait for something worthwhile: "By God's grace, I got the most incredible beautiful content, a fantastic platform, Hotstar. For me, this culmination of everything coming together has been because I gave it time, I gave my everything to wait. I said I will sit at home but when I do something it has to be worth it. And I can proudly say it now," Sushmita said.
Explaining her reason behind taking a break from movies, Sushmita told PTI: "For me, it was very simple, I had started getting the kind of work that I was just doing for the sake of it to stay in the business of making movies. I think that is a criminal waste of your life, so I chose otherwise and I did better things with my time. Now, I said I can commit to this," Sushmita said. Sushmita has two daughters Renee and Alisah, who often feature on her Instagram. Sushmita often trends for her loved-up posts with boyfriend Rohman Shawl.
Meet Sushmita Sen's Aarya here:
Created by Ram Madhvani, who helmed Neerja, the Disney+Hotstar series has been co-directed by Mr Madhvani, Sandeep Modi and Vinod Rawat. Sushmita Sen co-stars with the likes of Chandrachur Singh, Sikander Kher, Namit Das, Manish Chaudhari, Vinod Rawat, Ankur Bhatia, Alexx O'Nell and Sugandha Garg in Aarya.
Aarya will premiere on Disney+Hotstar on June 19.