Another day, another post by Kareena Kapoor for her grandfather, Raj Kapoor. On Saturday (December 14), the nation celebrated the birth centenary of “The Greatest Showman of Indian Cinema.” Joining the tributes, Amul India dedicated a special topical to the iconic actor-filmmaker. The creative featured the Amul mascot dressed as Raj Kapoor's memorable characters from Mera Naam Joker, Shree 420 and Sangam. The text on the poster aptly read, "Aaj bhi dilon pe Raj hai.” Sharing the tribute on Instagram, Kareena wrote, “Forever in our heart. The legacy continues.”
Mumbai turned into a star-studded affair on Friday as celebrities came together to celebrate Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary. The Kapoor family, as expected, brought their A-game to the event, making it a grand family affair. Raj Kapoor's children, Randhir Kapoor and Rima Jain, along with daughters-in-law Babita Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor, were seen posing for the cameras. The next generation of Kapoors, including Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Aadar Jain, also joined in, making it a picture-perfect family moment. Adding more charm to the celebration, Kareena's husband Saif Ali Khan and Ranbir's wife Alia Bhatt were also present, completing the Kapoor clan for the special occasion.
Before the grand celebrations in Mumbai, Kareena Kapoor and her family had a special meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Wednesday. The Kapoor clan extended an invitation to PM Modi to attend the Raj Kapoor birth centenary celebrations. Kareena's carousel post on Instagram quickly caught the attention of fans. One photo showed PM Modi signing an autograph for Kareena's sons, Taimur and Jeh, with their names clearly visible in a close-up shot. Other images from the meeting show PM Modi interacting with various family members, including Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, and more.
Raj Kapoor was born on December 14, 1924. The legend died at the age of 63 in 1988. He is remembered for his work in iconic films such as Awaara, Shree 420, Bobby and Mera Naam Joker.