Los Angeles:
Foul play has been ruled out in Whitney Houston's death. The 48-year-old singer was found face down in the bathtub with a bloody nose and the remnants of cocaine nearby at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 11 and the Beverly Hills Police Department cited cause of death as accidental drowning, before closing the case today (11.04.12), according to gossip website TMZ.
Although it has been claimed cocaine was removed from her bedroom at the hotel before the authorities arrived to the scene of her death, the BHPD have denied this occurred.
According to the final coroner's report, a "small spoon with a white crystal-like substance in it and a rolled up piece of white paper" were found on the counter of Whitney's hotel room, while "remnants of a white powdery substance" were found in a drawer and on the base of a portable mirror. Tests later confirmed the powder to be cocaine.
She had two superficial abrasions on the left side if her forehead, one on the bridge of her nose, and several other small abrasions on her body - although there were no signs of foul play.
According to gossip website TMZ - which has obtained a copy of the report - Whitney's long-term cocaine usage was evident by a hole in her septum, and she was also suffering from mild emphysema.
On the day of the tragedy, Whitney had been complaining of a sore throat and decided to take a bath before a pre-Grammy party. Her assistant left to run errands and returned at 3.35pm to discover the mother-of-one lifeless body face down in about 12 inches of hot water.
The report states: "The assistant called for her bodyguard, and together they pulled the decedent out of the bathtub."
Paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later and moved her to the living room floor before concluding she was dead at 3.55pm.
Although it has been claimed cocaine was removed from her bedroom at the hotel before the authorities arrived to the scene of her death, the BHPD have denied this occurred.
According to the final coroner's report, a "small spoon with a white crystal-like substance in it and a rolled up piece of white paper" were found on the counter of Whitney's hotel room, while "remnants of a white powdery substance" were found in a drawer and on the base of a portable mirror. Tests later confirmed the powder to be cocaine.
She had two superficial abrasions on the left side if her forehead, one on the bridge of her nose, and several other small abrasions on her body - although there were no signs of foul play.
According to gossip website TMZ - which has obtained a copy of the report - Whitney's long-term cocaine usage was evident by a hole in her septum, and she was also suffering from mild emphysema.
On the day of the tragedy, Whitney had been complaining of a sore throat and decided to take a bath before a pre-Grammy party. Her assistant left to run errands and returned at 3.35pm to discover the mother-of-one lifeless body face down in about 12 inches of hot water.
The report states: "The assistant called for her bodyguard, and together they pulled the decedent out of the bathtub."
Paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later and moved her to the living room floor before concluding she was dead at 3.55pm.