Impossible is nothing for Gadar 2 which has ended its first week in screens at a "sensational" Rs 284 crore, reports trade analyst Taran Adarsh who also forecasts that the film will hit the 300 crore mark today. The film's weekday earnings have been well into two digits with Thursday's ticket sales fetching Rs 23.28 crore. Unsurprisingly, Gadar 2 has performed exceptionally well in mass circuits where both multiplexes and single screens are "experiencing this kind of hysteria" in a very long time, according to Mr Adarsh.
Gadar 2 already holds the record for highest Independence Day earnings of any film – in fact, it faced a capacity issue on August 15 with demand far greater than supply.
"H-I-S-T-O-R-I-C… Gadar 2 puts up a sensational total in Week 1. Will hit Rs 300 crore today [second Friday]. Friday 40.10 crore, Saturday 43.08 crore, Sunday 51.70 crore, Monday 38.70 crore, Tuesday 55.40 crore, Wednesday 32.37 crore, Thursday 23.28 crore. Total: Rs 284.63 crore. India biz," posted Taran Adarsh, "The box office performance of Gadar 2 is a revelation in mass pockets. The craze for this film is unparalleled. In fact, after a very, very long time, the multiplexes as well as single screens at mass sectors are experiencing this kind of hysteria."
See his post here:
Gadar 2, a sequel to 2001's blockbuster Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, stars Suny Deol and Ameesha Patel who reprise their roles as Tara Singh and Sakeena. Additions to the cast include Utkarsh Sharma as their son Charanjeet and Simrat Kaur as his love interest. Luv Sinha appears in a cameo. Gadar 2 is directed by Anil Sharma who also directed the original film.