SPOILERS AHEAD. Seriously, stop reading if you haven't watched yet.
The Game Of Thrones has finally been won and let's just say that nobody's money was on the person who now rules Westeros (but will not sit on the Iron Throne because a dragon incinerated it, which is just as well). As of Season 8 finale episode, Bran Stark, the wheelchair-bound Three-Eyed Raven, will now preside over six kingdoms - the North will remain free with Sansa Stark as its liege - having been picked inexplicably for the top job over arguably more qualified candidates such as his sisters Sansa and Arya Stark and Jon Snow, an illegitimate Targaryen and the actual true king. Daenerys Targaryen, the mover and shaker of the last few episodes, is dead, having been stabbed by Jon in King's Landing for destroying everything and refusing to stop it even when asked nicely. So, King Bran. But are all hailing? Not Twitter, for one.
The top trends on Twitter are, naturally, all Game Of Thrones related - #GOTFinale, Bran, Drogon, #JonSnow, Westeros and Starks are all trending madly.
Many tweets are pointing out the obvious - why Bran over pretty much everyone else?
When you don't contribute to the group project and still get an A #GameOfThrones #GOT #GOTFinale pic.twitter.com/QpYK4IyesK
— The Americanized French (@Ivyzenati) May 20, 2019
When two incredibly capable women get passed up for the job so it can go to a less qualified man #GOTFinale pic.twitter.com/5utpKbpmil
— Slaytriarchy (@slaytriarchy) May 20, 2019
Sansa won the popular vote but Bran had the electoral college.
— snark hoppus. (@markhoppus) May 20, 2019
You deserved better boo. The one true king. #GOTFinale pic.twitter.com/fAi3DryM5H
— Michelle (@yrjustassaneasi) May 20, 2019
The fact that they literally put a line in there saying "People love stories. And no one has a better story than Bran" proves how far up their own ass they were because literally every other character had a better story than Bran #GameOfThrones
— Jenna Guillaume (@JennaGuillaume) May 20, 2019
So Jon sacrificed everything, he was the best man in the series, never did a bad thing, was the true heir all along, was a combination of House Targaryen and House Stark and yet he is sent to the Night's Watch? So disappointing and unfair. #GameOfThrones #JonSnow pic.twitter.com/JvHZRaFYBh
— Laura Torres (@LauraTorresGut) May 20, 2019
Also, given that Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven and knows everything (unlike Jon Snow who clearly still doesn't), the ravaging of King's Landing doesn't make him all that much better than Dany who did the actual incinerating.
Am I the only one who thinks Bran is a terrible person ?? He knew King's Landing was going to burn but he let it anyways in order to become king !! WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT IT #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/uIXQ8RezVm
— im dead but loki isnt (@c_h_a_o_t_i_c_) May 20, 2019
Bran watching Dany burn innocent people in King's Landing but knowing his time has arrived pic.twitter.com/YwXKl89UfG
— Steadman (@AsteadWesley) May 20, 2019
Drogon, at least, has taken care of one thing:
Drogon destroying the iron throne because he knows Bran The Broken has his own seat. #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/dmmoQYrxbP pic.twitter.com/AZaDDBekk0
— Man Like Martini (@EjioyeMartins) May 20, 2019
These tweets pretty much sums up fan feels:
Hodor we will forever be grateful to you #GoT #GOTFinale pic.twitter.com/jaFA7aJFbz
— Osman Mohamed (@Mosman682Omar) May 20, 2019
— The Gor Boy (@DharavathSan) May 20, 2019
so we waited 2 years for
- the night king to be stabbed in his crop top and die easier than the mountain
- cersei to get trampled by bricks
- jon to stab daenerys only for BRAN to become king
- jon to go back to nights watch when there r no white walkers??
Meantime, this is what Brienne of Tarth probably wrote about Jaime Lannister in that book:
#GOTFinale #GameOfThronesFinale #GameOfThrones
— Josh Miller (@SassholeInOne) May 20, 2019
What Brienne really wrote about Jamie:
"This knight is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust him. He is a fugly slut" pic.twitter.com/v8yDzFC3Hi
This is how it ends, from Arya going exploring to Jon being sent back to the Wall and beyond:
#GOTFinale recap
— mike (@MikeForcella) May 20, 2019
Arya: Christopher Columbus
Bran: King
Sansa: George Washington
Sam: Plato fighting for democracy
Davos: GOAT
Danny: Julius Caesar
Brienne & Pod: Men in Black
Tyrion: Hand
Jon: Bear Grylls
This was perhaps the only glimmer of a silver lining - Jon's reunion with his direwolf Ghost:
And #Jonsnow gave him what he deserved, finally. A really good boi.#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/lb6cYEhP0Y
— Julieth (@lastheartbeats) May 20, 2019
As the thankfully deceased Ramsay Bolton said so memorably, "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." But was it too much to expect a satisfactory ending?
What did you think of the way Game Of Thrones ended? Tell us in the comments.