Spoiler alert! The most powerful scene in the Game Of Thrones finale is Drogon burning down the Iron Throne with dragon fire, something which was heart-breaking indeed but gave rise to certain memes on Twitter. Drogon, Daenerys Targaeryn's last surviving dragon, trended on Twitter India all on Monday morning, particularly for two reasons - 2) for his symbolic burning down of the throne that was pretty much responsible for all great wars, all the billion deaths and lastly, Dany's transformation into the 'mad queen'; b) after Jon drives a dagger through Dany's heart, Drogon flew into the throne room and nudged Danny's corpse and billowed out fuming cries in grief.
Now, here's how Twitter reacted. "Drogon showed more emotions than Bran," read a tweet while another added: "Drogon should get a Best Supporting Actor nomination."
Drogon showed more emotions than Bran #GameOfThrones #GOTFinale #GameOfThronesFinale #GOT pic.twitter.com/Rs715nqviq
— Amr El-Sherif (@AmrKElSherif) May 20, 2019
Drogon should get a Best Supporting Actor nomination. https://t.co/AdMSMJIBab
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) May 20, 2019
Drogon came back for bran in end credits #GamesOfThronesFinale #BranStark pic.twitter.com/GtTdGlhOYj
— Danny Seddon (@DannySeddon2) May 20, 2019
When Drogon realizes that the new King already has a chair... #GameOfThonesFinale pic.twitter.com/rTjw2e8NW4
— bridie (@BridieStark) May 20, 2019
The iron throne:
— water buffalo (@waterbuffalo42) May 20, 2019
Drogon: pic.twitter.com/unbzUHV40P
Drogon waking up the next day trying to get over losing Danny #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/VoRufPBYQj
— Shaz Ali (@Shazzxm) May 20, 2019
#GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Fvcking TALL (@luckyosaze21) May 20, 2019
Drogon destroying the iron throne because he knew King Bran got his own seat. pic.twitter.com/qU0dDDOGgI
Awww poor Drogon#GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/odjUMgWzKb
— Stark_Girl (@byby_fan) May 20, 2019
Twitter also agreed that Drogon mourning Dany's death made everyone's heart ache with pain.
— Monica Zakaria (@MonicaZakaria2) May 20, 2019
Drogon : A war orphan pic.twitter.com/JRjAtB7YXk
The Iron Throne; forged by Balerion the Black Dread and destroyed by Drogon.
— (@hxruIe) May 20, 2019
Jon may have stabbed Daenerys, but it was her hunger for power that killed her.
By destroying the pinnacle of power in Westeros, Drogon broke the wheel and fulfilled his mother's wishes. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/NYITonH3aS
Drogon nudging and trying to wake Dany up was the most heartbreaking scene! #GameOfThonesFinale pic.twitter.com/mqZ4I6EYcM
— Saloni Nikumbh (@SaloNikumbh) May 20, 2019
Everything about the GoT finale was trash minus Drogon scenes.
— Spice. (@Wes_sinceDay1) May 20, 2019
This was the most heartbreaking scene. Drogon trying to wake his mom.
— Sammy (@SamKelvin5) May 20, 2019
Jon was ready to be roasted to ashes but Drogon went for that iron throne that caused all these.
Besides what's the need of killing whom his mom loved.
Dragon so smart. #GameofThrones #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/xGHdpRprPY
Seeing the Iron Throne melt into mere nothing, Drogon carefully picked up Dany and flew off through the broken walls of the Red Keep, leaving fans speculating where exactly he's headed. In one of the ending scenes, the King's counsel reveals that he was spotted flying East and East of King's Landing lies Valyria. While nothing can be said for certain but Valyria is the where the Targaryns and in turn, Dany ("of the blood of Old Valyria"), is from. In a very suggestive move, the makers perhaps hinted that Drogon is taking Dany back to her real home.
When it comes to visual effects this right here did it for me, definitely scene of the episode, Beautiful. #GameOfThonesFinale #GamesOfThrones #Drogon @emiliaclarke #MotherOfDragons pic.twitter.com/PXq5ZcapzW
— KOKI (@Koketjo_P_M) May 20, 2019
Take her home, Drogon. pic.twitter.com/nvbZkMxizt
— (@RegalEvermore) May 20, 2019
All said and done, we'll miss you, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.
Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 aired on Monday morning in India.