Alia Bhatt's upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi is the talk of the town and for all the right reasons. Even before the movie has released in India, it has been grabbing headlines for premiering at the prestigious Berlin International Film Festival. And, amidst the busy film festival schedule, Alia Bhatt has found time for a game of cards with her sister Shaheen Bhatt, who has accompanied her to Berlin. But this is no regular game of cards. The siblings are grooving to the song Jab Saiyaan from Gangubai Kathiawadi as they indulge in a quick game, the video posted by Alia shows. In the clip, Shaheen and Alia pick a card each from a deck. Then they proceed to kiss it before turning it around to reveal the card. While Shaheen has picked a King of Hearts, Alia Bhatt wins the game as she has picked an Ace of Clubs.
The sisters appear to be recreating one of the scenes of the song Jab Saiyaan from Gangubai Kathiawadi, where the characters played by Alia Bhatt and Shantanu Maheshwari indulge in a similar game of cards (and flirtation).
Sharing the video, Alia Bhatt wrote, “This was super fun. Pick a partner. Grab a deck of cards…Pick your card, kiss your card and then show your card. Highest card wins. Go go go,” along with the hashtags “Gangubai Kathiawadi” and “Jab Saiyaan”.
In addition to the film's premiere, Alia Bhatt and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali also attended a press conference and walked the red carpet at the 72nd edition of the festival, also called Berlinale 2022.
Over the last two days, Alia Bhatt has also shared pictures from her time at the festival. In both images, the actress is seen in white ensembles, a colour that her character also wears predominantly in the trailer of the film as well as the two songs, Dholida and Jab Saiyaan that have been released.
See the images here:
For the unversed, Gangubai Kathiawadi is based on the life of the eponymous real-life sex worker– played by Alia Bhatt – who rose to political prominence in Kamathipura, Mumbai's red-light district. The film features Ajay Devgn as real-life don Karim Lala.
The movie by Sanjay Leela Bhansali is based on the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai by Hussain Zaidi. Gangubai Kathiawadi will be released in theatres on February 25, 2021.