TV actor Harshad Arora got married to his longtime girlfriend Muskaan Rajput. On December 13, the couple shared a joint Instagram post, giving us a glimpse of their dreamy wedding, which looked nothing short of a fairytale. In the video, we see the beautiful bride walking down the aisle for her grand entrance. The lovebirds are also seen involved in wedding rituals and exchanging garlands. The clip ends with the couple proudly holding each other's hands. The text attached to the video read, “Our story just began.”
Harshad Arora and Muskaan Rajput reportedly got married on December 8 in Dehradun. The couple also hosted a reception in Delhi two days later.
Harshad Arora shared that the wedding took place in Muskaan Rajput's hometown. "It was a traditional wedding in Muskaan's hometown with all the rituals, which started late at night and went on till the wee hours. After that, we went to Muskaan's house for the bidaai ceremony. We are very happy and look forward to this new chapter in our lives," Harshad told The Times Of India.
Talking about their love story, Muskaan Rajput said, "Harshad and I have been together for two years and we thought it was time to take the relationship to the next level."
The couple shared a bit about their honeymoon plans. Harshad mentioned that their honeymoon will have to wait for now due to their busy schedules. Harshad said, "Muskaan doesn't have leave and I am also shooting for a project, so the honeymoon will have to wait for now. Once we get some free time in our schedules, we will plan something nice."
As per reports, Harshad Arora and Muskaan Rajput got engaged in February this year.
On the work front, Harshad has made his mark in various daily soaps, including Beintehaa, Dahleez, SuperCops Vs Super Villains, Mayavi Maling, Tera Kya Hoga Alia, Thodasa Badal Thodasa Paani and Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin.