She plays the vitrioliccheer-leading coach Sue Sylvester on the hit TV musical Gleeand audiences will get to see more of Jane Lynch's funny sidewhen she hosts the cult show Saturday Night Live this week.
The 50-year-old actress is the latest in a long lineof stars to host the show and is convinced the writers will doa great job parodying her tough Sue Sylvester role."I think they're going to be careful. I've never seenthem do anything where they've hit the nail on the head andit's not interesting, so I hope it'll work out well," saidLynch who recently entered into a civil partnership with longtime girlfriend Lara Embry.
"It was great news, and like any milestone in my life,it excited me but also scared me. But I'll do it! I like beingscared, actually. It pulls the best out of you," said Lynch.
The 6 ft 4 inch actress towers over the other SNLactors and she hopes that the difference will lead to somefunny moments.
Lynch has admitted to being a huge fan of the show,which will make her experience even easier.
"I'm very familiar with it. I know there are some newmembers, but it's a great cast and I'm a fan of a lot ofthem," she said.
The 50-year-old actress is the latest in a long lineof stars to host the show and is convinced the writers will doa great job parodying her tough Sue Sylvester role."I think they're going to be careful. I've never seenthem do anything where they've hit the nail on the head andit's not interesting, so I hope it'll work out well," saidLynch who recently entered into a civil partnership with longtime girlfriend Lara Embry.
"It was great news, and like any milestone in my life,it excited me but also scared me. But I'll do it! I like beingscared, actually. It pulls the best out of you," said Lynch.
The 6 ft 4 inch actress towers over the other SNLactors and she hopes that the difference will lead to somefunny moments.
Lynch has admitted to being a huge fan of the show,which will make her experience even easier.
"I'm very familiar with it. I know there are some newmembers, but it's a great cast and I'm a fan of a lot ofthem," she said.