Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor's new film Good Newwz "packed a solid total" on its opening day, reported Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh. The film, which also stars Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh in the lead roles, collected Rs 17.56 crore on its first day, stated Mr Adarsh in his report. He also mentioned that the business of Good Newwz is expected to "multiply" on its second and third day. Sharing the opening day performance of the film on social media, Taran Adarsh wrote: "Good Newwz packs a solid total on Day 1... Gathers speed from evening shows... Multiplexes especially record excellent numbers... North circuits dominate... Business should multiply on Day 2 and 3... Fri Rs 17.56 cr. #India business... 2019 concludes with Good Newwz."
Here's what he tweeted:
#GoodNewwz packs a solid total on Day 1... Gathers speed from evening shows... Multiplexes especially record excellent numbers... North circuits dominate... Biz should multiply on Day 2 and 3... Fri Rs 17.56 cr. #India biz... 2019 concludes with #GoodNewwz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) December 28, 2019
Good Newwz showcases the story of two couples - Akshay-Kareena and Kiara-Diljit - who opted for IVF (In vitro fertilisation) but their lives turned upside down after the hospital authorities mix-up the sperms.
The film opened to mixed reviews on Friday. Film critic Saibal Chatterjee reviewed Good Newwz for NDTV and gave it 2 stars out of 5. He wrote: "Akshay, shedding his patriotic change-agent garb for once, makes the most of the bearable lightness of the plot. The roles essayed by Dosanjh and Advani are reduced to Bollywood stereotypes... The last Bollywood release of 2019 is anything but good news."
Directed by newcomer Raj Mehta and produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, Good Newwz also features Adil Hussain and Tisca Chopra in supporting roles.