Salman Khan spent a lazy Sunday afternoon with children from the slum this weekend at an event organised in Mumbai. The actor, who seemed very happy to be with the children spoke about his image as a superhero, his young fans and a lot more. Here are a few excerpts. (Read: Salman Khan's wax figure coming to New York)
Spiderman, Batman, Salman?:
"It is a nice thought, but I hope this doesn't make me into a caricature. We don't need a mosquito to bite us or wear our underwear outside, we Indians don't need superheroes. In our culture, no one wants to see failure. Children are crazy about my films because I'm now doing films that I would have loved to see in my childhood. If I enjoyed it then, I'm sure children will enjoy it too."
Child at heart:
"I should have got Sajid-Wajid with me, they would have played for these children and things would have gone to a new level altogether. I'm hoping I can use the talent of these children at some gig in the future." (Read: Salman Khan quits smoking due to health concerns)
Bhai talk:
"When I was promoting Tere Naam, I was telling people to see the film but never to follow the role. The character is a loser. A girl leaves him and he keeps on crying... move on, there are other girls. I don't take terms like bhai too seriously. If you start thinking about it, it doesn't look natural. I say go with the flow. Abhi achcha time hai, but the worst thing about good time is also that it doesn't last forever (laughs). Actually I have had quite a long run."
Spiderman, Batman, Salman?:
"It is a nice thought, but I hope this doesn't make me into a caricature. We don't need a mosquito to bite us or wear our underwear outside, we Indians don't need superheroes. In our culture, no one wants to see failure. Children are crazy about my films because I'm now doing films that I would have loved to see in my childhood. If I enjoyed it then, I'm sure children will enjoy it too."
Child at heart:
"I should have got Sajid-Wajid with me, they would have played for these children and things would have gone to a new level altogether. I'm hoping I can use the talent of these children at some gig in the future." (Read: Salman Khan quits smoking due to health concerns)
Bhai talk:
"When I was promoting Tere Naam, I was telling people to see the film but never to follow the role. The character is a loser. A girl leaves him and he keeps on crying... move on, there are other girls. I don't take terms like bhai too seriously. If you start thinking about it, it doesn't look natural. I say go with the flow. Abhi achcha time hai, but the worst thing about good time is also that it doesn't last forever (laughs). Actually I have had quite a long run."