#GraceofMonacoTrivia#NicoleKidman's clothes were all made from the original designs worn by #GraceKelly pic.twitter.com/oaCsfEJPPJ
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 12, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTrivia#NicoleKidman had 43 costume changes in #GraceofMonaco Book NOW - http://t.co/227rWhjA9v pic.twitter.com/Gy2vMDvcF2
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 13, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaThe palace interior was shot on a stage in Belgium.Read the trivia here - pic.twitter.com/aCCy5ALGM7
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 12, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaThe Cartier scene in 'Grace of Monaco' was shot in the actual Cartier store in Paris. pic.twitter.com/XrXbVMYKk1
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 6, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaThe Monaco Coast was shot in Genoa, Italy.Read the trivia here - pic.twitter.com/6glSl02vMp
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 3, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaDuring the shooting of a scene, the adjacent forest caught fire raining ash on the set.http://t.co/QNn83zrfoX
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 8, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaNicole Kidman has been a fan of Grace Kelly since childhood. pic.twitter.com/JxebTWlIOF
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 2, 2014
#GraceofMonacoTriviaFilmed in 35MM cinemascope #GraceofMonaco is one of the last movies to be shot in classic format pic.twitter.com/eijyFh5nmP
-- Yash Raj Films (@yrf) June 11, 2014
Grace Of MonacoGrace Of Monaco