Vicky Kaushal is receiving salon service from his brother Sunny Kaushal, in coronavirus lockdown. The Raazi actor shared a picture on his Instagram profile on Wednesday, where he can be seen posing in his new haircut. Sharing the picture, Vicky wrote, "Quarantine cut by Sunny Kaushal." In the picture, Vicky can be seen posing for the camera in a sleeveless t-shirt. Vicky, who is currently at home with his family due to the nationwide lockdown, seems to be spending quality time with his brother. Within minutes of posting, Vicky's picture was flooded with comments from his friends and fans. One comment read, "Booking an appointment with Sunny Kaushal once this is over," while another read, "Too much even I want Sunny Kaushal." Take a look at the picture shared by Vicky Kaushal here:
In coronavirus lockdown, Vicky has been doing it all - from cleaning the fan to doing a perfect flip of the omelette. Take a look:
”Make way for the latest entrant in the elite club of the omelet flippers,” wrote Vicky.
This fan-cleaning video of Vicky Kaushal trended a great deal. “Thought I'd interact with my fans today,” wrote Vicky. Take a look:
Sunny Kaushal frequently feature on Vicky Kaushal's Instagram profile.
We are yet to get over this throwback picture featuring "good quarantine boys." Take a look:
On the work front, Vicky was last seen in the 2020 horror-thriller Bhoot - Part One: The Haunted Ship. the 31-year-old actor's body of work includes Uri: The Surgical Strike, Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana, Bombay Velvet, Zubaan, Love per Square Foot, Manmarziyaan, Sanju, Raazi and Masaan among others.