Koi... Mil Gaya actress Hansika Motwani, who married entrepreneur Sohael Kathuria over the weekend, shared pictures from her wedding on her Instagram profile on Tuesday. Hansika married Sohail on December 4 at the Mundota Fort and Palace in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Hansika wore red for her big day, while the groom opted for an embroidered sherwani. The first picture happens to be from the pheras. In the second shot, Sohael can be seen applying sindoor on Hansika's forehead. The third shot features the couple smiling with all their hearts. "Now and forever 4.12.2022," Hansika Motwani captioned the post.
See the post shared by Hansika Motwani here:
The comments section of Hansika's post was flooded with congratulatory messages from her Instafam. "Hey! Congratulations," wrote Karan Tacker. "Congratulations to the both you you," wrote Mandira Bedi. "Congratulations," read Esha Gupta's comment.
Sohael Kathuria, a Mumbai-based businessman proposed to Hansika Motwani in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris last month. The actress shared pictures from the dreamy moment on her Instagram profile and she wrote: "Now and forever."
On the work front, Hansika Motwani has acted in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada films. She made her debut as an actor with the 2001 television show Des Mein Niklla Hoga Chand and became a household name for her performance in the popular kids fantasy show Shaka Laka Boom Boom, which also aired in the same year.
Hansika Motwani is known for her role in Hrithik Roshan's Koi... Mil Gaya and Himesh Reshammiya's Aap Kaa Surroor. She also starred in films like Desamuduru, Kandireega,Maska, Kantri,Aranmanai, Villain, Singam II (Suriya's version), Denikaina Ready and Uyire Uyire, to name a few.