Sonakshi Sinha's new film Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi has earned Rs 11.78 crore, trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted. Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi started on a low note but managed to pick up pace over the weekend. Much like Taran Adarsh's prediction earlier, Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi did perform better on Sunday and collected Rs 5.05 crore. On Saturday, Sonakshi Sinha's film raked in Rs 4.03 crore. "Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi witnessed day-wise growth, which is a positive sign. Opening weekend business is better than the first part [Rs 10.71 crore Now needs to maintain the momentum on weekdays. Friday Rs 2.70 crore, Saturday Rs 4.03 crore, Sunday Rs 5.05 crore. Total: Rs 11.78 crore. (India business)," Taran Adarsh tweeted.
According to Box Office India report, Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi witnessed a "solid growth" over the weekend due to Raksha Bandhan. "There was solid growth on Saturday and the Sunday got an extra lift as it was Raksha Bandhan and some places like Rajasthan," the Box Office India report stated.
Here is the weekend collection of Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi.
#HappyPhirrBhagJayegi witnessed day-wise growth, which is a positive sign... Opening weekend biz is better than the first part [Rs 10.71 cr]... Now needs to maintain the momentum on weekdays... Fri 2.70 cr, Sat 4.03 cr, Sun 5.05 cr. Total: Rs 11.78 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 27, 2018
#HappyPhirrBhagJayegi shows HEALTHY GROWTH on Sat... Sun is expected to be better... Opening weekend biz is expected to be in the same range as the first part [#HappyBhagJayegi had collected Rs 10.71 cr]... Fri 2.70 cr, Sat 4.03 cr. Total: Rs 6.73 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 26, 2018
In his review for NDTV, Saibal Chatterjee gave Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi one-and-a-half stars out of five. "Not that Sonakshi does not give the role her best shot. Hers is a lively star turn. It might have buoyed up the film if only it had the comic energy to go the distance. It doesn't get too far because it merely runs around in circles. Its gags are gratuitous and the one-liners too vacuous to hit home," he wrote.
Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi is the sequel of 2016 comedy Happy Bhag Jayegi, which featured Abhay Deol, Diana Penty (Happy #1) and Ali Fazal. Much like the first installment, the sequel has also been directed by Mudassar Aziz. Sonakshi stars as as Navpreet Kaur - Happy #2 - while Jimmy Sheirgill reprises his role as Daman Singh in the film. Jassi Gill made his Bollywood debut with "Happy" franchise.