Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's last project Dil Bechara, also starring Sanjana Sanghi, is slated to release on July 24 on OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar. On Thursday, the film's lead actress Sanjana shared the news on social media along with a poster of the film. Sushant Singh Rajput's film was ready for release before the coronavirus lockdown hit. Sharing the film's poster of Dil Bechara, Sanjana Sanghi wrote: "A story of love, of hope, and of endless memories. Celebrating our dearest, and the late Sushant Singh Rajput's legacy that will be etched in the minds of all and cherished forever. Dil Bechara is going to be coming to everyone on Disney Plus Hotstar on July 24. For the love of Sushant and his love for cinema, the movie will be available to all subscribers and non-subscribers."
Read Sanjana Sanghi's post here:
The film's director Mukesh Chhabra said that he never imagined that he would be releasing the film without Sushant. He told news agency PTI: "Sushant was not just the hero of my debut film as a director, but he was a dear friend who stood by me through thick and thin. We had been close right from Kai Po Che! to Dil Bechara. He had promised me that he would be in my first film. So many plans were made together, so many dreams were dreamt together but never once did I ever imagine that I would be left alone to release this film. He always showered immense love on me while I was making it and his love will guide us as we release it."
Uday Shankar, President of The Walt Disney Company APAC and Chairman, Star and Disney India, said, "We are humbled to be able to play a small part in sustaining the legacy of a fine actor like Sushant Singh Rajput. In celebration of his life and his extraordinary work, Dil Bechara will release directly on digital this July on Disney+ Hotstar, and will be available to all subscribers and non-subscribers across India. Our prayers and wishes to his family and loved ones." Fox Star Studios had produced the late actor's 2016 film MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and the 2019 film Chhichhore.
Dil Bechara is inspired by John Green's book The Fault In Our Stars, which was also adapted into Hollywood film with the same name and it featured Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort in the lead roles. The film has been directed by casting director Mukesh Chhabra, who is making his debut as a director with the movie.
After her co-star Sushant Singh Rajput's death on June 14, Sanjana Sanghi has been sharing a series of emotions posts on her social media profile, remembering the late actor. "I refreshed my web pages 100 times hoping I'm reading some sort of horrible joke. I'm not equipped to process any of this. I don't think I ever will be. I'm definitely not equipped to articulate my feelings, this is me failing but trying. After 2 years of seemingly all the possible difficulties one single film can face, with all sorts of crap constantly being written, and being relentlessly pursued. We were supposed to finally see our film - my first film, and what you told me you believed was your best film yet, together," she said in one of the videos.
Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide, said the police. He became a star after featuring in Balaji Telefilms' popular daily show Pavitra Rishta. His impressive filmography included hits as well critically acclaimed films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kedarnath, Chhichhore and Sonchiriya among others. Mr Rajput's last project was the 2019 Netflix film Drive.
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(With inputs from PTI)