Priyanka Chopra, who shared several posts about missing her husband Nick Jonas, shared a glimpse of a happy reunion on Tuesday. "He's home," Priyanka had just two words to write in her Instagram post, which spoke of a thousand emotions. Priyanka Chopra has been in London for the shooting schedule of her upcoming project Citadel while Nick Jonas was all the way back in Los Angeles for the past few months. Nick Jonas has recently flown in to join Priyanka at her London home, which Priyanka posted about with a loved-up photo of the two. The adorable moment features Nick and Priyanka embraced in each other's arms.
Here's what Priyanka Chopra posted on Instagram:
Looks like before flying to London, Nick Jonas made a pit-stop in New York and enjoyed a scrumptious meal at Priyanka Chopra's restaurant Sona:
Last month, Priyanka and Nick celebrated their proposal anniversary with loved up posts for each other: "My everything... three years today. Seems like a blink and a lifetime at the same time. I love you," she wrote.
Meanwhile, Nick Jonas made sure Priyanka Chopra's 39th birthday was extra special this year even though he wasn't there for the celebrations.
Back in May, when Priyanka Chopra had just flown out to London, wrote about missing her husband already: "My lipstick on his fade... miss you already."
In terms of films, Priyanka's line-up includes Text For You, Citadel, a wedding comedy with Mindy Kaling and the fourth Matrix movie. Nick Jonas currently appears as a coach on reality TV show The Voice.