Rajesh Khanna with his wife Dimple Kapadia and son-in-law Akshay Kumar before his death
The Bombay High Court today stayedtill December 17 the proceedings in a case of domesticviolence against family members of Rajesh Khanna by a womanclaiming to have been in a live-in relationship with the latesuperstar.
The proceedings in a Metropolitan Magistrate's Court atsuburban Bandra were stayed by Justice KU Chandiwal, whoissued notice to Anita Advani, the lady who claimed to havelooked after the actor in the last few years of his life as awife would do.
The court was hearing a petition filed by Mr Khanna'sactress wife Dimple and actor son-in-law Akshay Kumarchallenging the processes started by the magistrate againstthem and other family members. Twinkle and Rinki, Mr Khanna'sdaughters, are also in the process of filing similarpetitions.
Anita Advani, in her complaint against Dimple and others, hasclaimed she was driven out of Khanna's Bandra bungalowAashirwad after his death and sought maintenance from theactor's estate.
On the other hand, Dimple contended that she was thelegally wedded wife of Mr Khanna and as such no other woman canclaim share in the wealth left behind by her husband.The Magistrate, Dimple argued, should not haveentertained the complaint which has made "baseless" charges.She contended that it was "unreasonable" for theMagistrate to even suggest that she and her family go in for acompromise with the complainant in which case he would referthe matter for mediation.
The Magistrate, while hearing Advani's complaint, hadearlier last week issued summons to Dimple, her daughtersTwinkle Kumar and Rinki Saran and son-in-law Akshay Kumarasking them to appear in person before the court to answer theallegations, which besides domestic violence includes forgingKhanna's will.
Akshay Kumar supported Dimple's contention that Advanihad no right to claim any share from Khanna's properties whichis said to be to the tune of Rs 500 crores.
Anita Advani had in her complaint sought monthly maintenanceof Rs 10 lakh from the properties of Khanna and entry into hisbungalow where she claimed to have lived with him for severalyears as "husband and wife" although they never married.Both Dimple and Akshay said when Advani had herselfmentioned in the complaint that she had been evicted fromAashirwad a number of times in the past, why did she not filea complaint of domestic violence then.
"The fact that she chose to move the court nearly threemonths after Khanna's death shows that her only intention wasto grab property," they contended.
Both rejected Advani's charge that they had taken thethumb impression of Khanna on his will a few days before hisdeath when the actor was seriously ill and not capable ofunderstanding anything. Their petitions said the will had beenduly probated.The duo challenged Advani's claim that she was in a"domestic relationship" with Mr Khanna in a "shared household".They referred to a letter written by Advani to their familytwo days before Khanna's death in which she had not writtenanything about such a relationship.
"Her letter said that Mr Khanna had only pursued her to behis girlfriend," their petitions said.
The proceedings in a Metropolitan Magistrate's Court atsuburban Bandra were stayed by Justice KU Chandiwal, whoissued notice to Anita Advani, the lady who claimed to havelooked after the actor in the last few years of his life as awife would do.
The court was hearing a petition filed by Mr Khanna'sactress wife Dimple and actor son-in-law Akshay Kumarchallenging the processes started by the magistrate againstthem and other family members. Twinkle and Rinki, Mr Khanna'sdaughters, are also in the process of filing similarpetitions.
Anita Advani, in her complaint against Dimple and others, hasclaimed she was driven out of Khanna's Bandra bungalowAashirwad after his death and sought maintenance from theactor's estate.
On the other hand, Dimple contended that she was thelegally wedded wife of Mr Khanna and as such no other woman canclaim share in the wealth left behind by her husband.The Magistrate, Dimple argued, should not haveentertained the complaint which has made "baseless" charges.She contended that it was "unreasonable" for theMagistrate to even suggest that she and her family go in for acompromise with the complainant in which case he would referthe matter for mediation.
The Magistrate, while hearing Advani's complaint, hadearlier last week issued summons to Dimple, her daughtersTwinkle Kumar and Rinki Saran and son-in-law Akshay Kumarasking them to appear in person before the court to answer theallegations, which besides domestic violence includes forgingKhanna's will.
Akshay Kumar supported Dimple's contention that Advanihad no right to claim any share from Khanna's properties whichis said to be to the tune of Rs 500 crores.
Anita Advani had in her complaint sought monthly maintenanceof Rs 10 lakh from the properties of Khanna and entry into hisbungalow where she claimed to have lived with him for severalyears as "husband and wife" although they never married.Both Dimple and Akshay said when Advani had herselfmentioned in the complaint that she had been evicted fromAashirwad a number of times in the past, why did she not filea complaint of domestic violence then.
"The fact that she chose to move the court nearly threemonths after Khanna's death shows that her only intention wasto grab property," they contended.
Both rejected Advani's charge that they had taken thethumb impression of Khanna on his will a few days before hisdeath when the actor was seriously ill and not capable ofunderstanding anything. Their petitions said the will had beenduly probated.The duo challenged Advani's claim that she was in a"domestic relationship" with Mr Khanna in a "shared household".They referred to a letter written by Advani to their familytwo days before Khanna's death in which she had not writtenanything about such a relationship.
"Her letter said that Mr Khanna had only pursued her to behis girlfriend," their petitions said.