TV star Hina Khan replied to a Twitter user on Monday, who suggested that she should buy a blue tick so that her account doesn't seem fake. "Blue tick khareed lo warna account fake lag raha hai (buy a blue tick otherwise your account will look fake)," wrote the user. The actress replied to the user and wrote, "Our criteria needs to become more efficient. True authenticity lies in community support. The realest thing we can hold onto, not captive to a mere blue tick #TrueValue #BeyondTheBlueTick." Later, in an Instagram entry, she shared her take on the "often puzzled over matter of the Blue Tick Verification."
Read Hina Khan's reply to the tweet here:
Our criteria needs to become more efficient. True authenticity lies in community support. The realest thing we can hold onto, not captive to a mere blue tick #TrueValue #BeyondTheBlueTick
— Hina Khan (@eyehinakhan) August 7, 2023
Meanwhile, on Instagram, where Ms Khan has a verified account, she wrote, "This is my take on the often puzzled over matter of the 'Blue Tick Verification' on social platforms. We now live in an age where this so-called 'verification' can easily be acquired with just a bit more than a youngster's allowance. Have we ever stopped to think about the unintended consequences? This reality has blurred the clear cut notions between genuine and fake, authentic and pretentious. But let me tell you, the real treasure lies far from this coveted blue tick."
The Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress added in her post, "I want to impart a crucial understanding to my remarkable fan base - our genuine achievements and experiences are our truest badges of honor. They define our core and our uniqueness, much more than a blue symbol on a digital platform ever could. The blue tick doesn't bear testament to our struggles or successes, it doesn't represent our journey."
Hina Khan backed her argument with an example and she wrote, "Consider this: if one day Instagram decides to retract my blue tick, would it impact my effort, my hard work, or my journey? Not in the slightest. I am not defined by a programmed computer's validation, but by my labor, my journey, and my accomplishments. We need to be more compassionate and less algorithmic. In a world that blooms from the nurturing of a community, nothing screams true authenticity louder than the support we lend each other and the love that comes back in return."
Addressing her fans and supporters, Hina Khan wrote, "My avid supporters and dedicated fans, it's important to see past the 'Blue Tick' and understand the depth of our capabilities. The essence of our authenticity and truth lies within each of us, deeply nestled in the rugged landscape of empathy and realism. Our #TrueValue surfaces when we embrace this authenticity and realism."
Hina Khan signed off the post with these words, "So, let's step #BeyondTheBlueTick together, always cherishing our authenticity. While the blue tick might raise our social status, it does not measure our real worth. Our real worth lies in our actions, intentions and how we treat those around us. So, Instagram if you ever feel the need to take away my verification symbol, feel free to do so; you have my permission."
Read Hina Khan's post here:
Hina Khan, a popular name in the Hindi television industry, became a household name after she featured as Akshara in the popular television show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. The actress was also a part of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, in which she played the antagonist Komolika. However, she quit the show after a few months. She also participated in television reality shows like Khatron Ke Khiladi season 8 and Bigg Boss 11. Hina Khan was also seen in a brief appearance in the TV show Naagin 5, in which she starred as the titular shape shifting serpent.