It was a big bang waiting to happen on Saturday afternoon as stars descended onto the Mehboob Studio premises in Bandra, Mumbai. While Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone shot for their latest film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani helmed by Ayan Mukerji, Katrina Kaif was there to shoot for an ad film. And lo and behold! Even Salman Khan was present there working on his next film Dabangg 2.
And given the crackling history the actors have shared in the past, Deepika and Katrina both dated Ranbir, Salman and Katrina are former flames the situation could have gone slightly out of hand. But thankfully, a major collision was averted and all went on smoothly as scheduled.
Purrfect act
Looks like Katrina was the smartest of all. She obviously didn't want to pick sides, so she visited Salman on the sets of his film, and then proceeded to greet Ranbir with whom she even had lunch.
Deepika and Katrina are known to be not exactly best friends, thanks to their association with Ranbir Kapoor. But in this case, Deepika actually stopped by when Katrina and Ranbir were having lunch to say a polite hello and even waited for a bit of a chat. Post which she retired to the cosy confines of her vanity van to proceed with her own lunch.
And given the crackling history the actors have shared in the past, Deepika and Katrina both dated Ranbir, Salman and Katrina are former flames the situation could have gone slightly out of hand. But thankfully, a major collision was averted and all went on smoothly as scheduled.
Purrfect act
Looks like Katrina was the smartest of all. She obviously didn't want to pick sides, so she visited Salman on the sets of his film, and then proceeded to greet Ranbir with whom she even had lunch.
Deepika and Katrina are known to be not exactly best friends, thanks to their association with Ranbir Kapoor. But in this case, Deepika actually stopped by when Katrina and Ranbir were having lunch to say a polite hello and even waited for a bit of a chat. Post which she retired to the cosy confines of her vanity van to proceed with her own lunch.