Taking a break from his daily "Lockdown With The Johars" series, Karan Johar posted a picture of his Twins Yash and Roohi on his Instagram story. The filmmaker captioned the picture "Denim Darlings." Roohi and Yash could be seen twinning in denim outfits in the picture and cute can't even begin to describe it. Roohi looked super cute in a white tee and a denim tunic. She styled her hair in two pigtails, while her brother Yash could be seen wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of denims. The brother-sister-duo looked super cute in the photograph. Seems like Yash and Roohi inherited the strong posing game from their father Karan Johar.
Check out the picture here:
Not a day goes by without Karan Johar's kids adorably trolling him and we have to confess that his "Lockdown With The Johars" series, signed off with his signature goodbye style "Toodles" are a sheer delight. On Monday, KJo shared a super fun video, in which Yash and Roohi referred to their father as a "monkey."
This is the video we are talking about:
Yash and Roohi never miss an opportunity to troll KJo. Sometimes they age shame him, the other times, they give him a check about his weight. In one of the videos, they referred to KJo as "buddha." Also the twins' attempts at sabotaging their father's sartorial choices will even make Miranda Priestly super proud. Check out the videos here:
Karan Johar welcomed Yash and Roohi via surrogacy in the year 2017. On the work front, Karan Johar's upcoming ventures as a producer include Sooryavanshi, Dostana 2, and Brahmastra.