Actress Katrina Kaif has three big projects up her sleeve. First, Thugs Of Hindostan, her film with Aamir Khan and Amitabh Bachchan releases on Diwali, Zero with Shah Rukh Khan hits the screens in December and next year, she has Bharat with Salman Khan. On Friday, Katrina, Shah Rukh and their Zero co-star Anushka Sharma gathered at a multiplex to launch the trailer of the film and in the meantime, she is also prepping for Bharat. The 35-year-old actress shared a picture of herself playing a harmonium, in which it also appears that she is trying to sing a song. The Internet thinks that her role in Bharat might have something to do with singing. "Bharat prep," Katrina captioned the photo, which has got a spot on the trends list too.
Take a look.
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bharat, a circus drama, is set against the backdrop of the Sixties. The film is an onscreen adaptation of the 2014 South Korean movie Ode To My Father. Katrina and Salman have starred in several films together, including the blockbuster Tiger Zinda Hai, which was also directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.
Apart from Salman and Katrina, the film also features Tabu, Disha Patani, Nora Fatehi and comedian Sunil Grover in pivotal roles. Varun Dhawan too has shot for a special scene. Salman has been cast as a daredevil stuntman.
Bharat is scheduled to hit screens on Eid next year.
Meanwhile, the much-awaited trailer of Zero hit the Internet on Shah Rukh Khan's 53rd birthday today. Salman also has a cameo in Zero.
Take a look at the trailer here.
Katrina also shared a fabulous photo from the launch.
Directed by Aanand L Rai, Zero releases on December 21.