Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, whose next film is in post-production stage, feels Kriish star Hrithik Roshan is the best looking superhero around.
"According to me, Hrithik is the best looking superhero better than even Batman, Superman and Spiderman," he said while shooting a television show.
Khan said that kids look upto Hrithik as a role model.
"Even my kids think that Hrithik is the best looking hero right now. In fact kids don't love me as much as they love seeing Hrithik on screen," he said while shooting a television show.
"According to me, Hrithik is the best looking superhero better than even Batman, Superman and Spiderman," he said while shooting a television show.
Khan said that kids look upto Hrithik as a role model.
"Even my kids think that Hrithik is the best looking hero right now. In fact kids don't love me as much as they love seeing Hrithik on screen," he said while shooting a television show.