Salman Khan just did the sweetest thing ever on social media. The 54-year-old actor shared the poster of his Partner co-star Lara Dutta's web series Hundred on his social media profiles and gave her a huge shout out. Lara Dutta made her digital debut with Hotstar's web-series Hundred. Salman Khan shared the poster and wrote the sweetest words for his "favourite heroine from Partner". Salman Khan wrote, "My favourite heroine from Partner ... she's doing a show, please go catch it." Salman also added the hashtags "do khiladi problem bhari" and "Hotstar special Hundred" to his post. Salman also tagged Lara Dutta in his post. We can't wait to see Lara's reaction to his post. Take a look:
Reacting to Salman's post, Lara commented, "Love you, partner." The 42-year-old actress reposted Salman's post on her Instagram profile and wrote, "When the coolest cop on-screen endorses ACP Saumya Shukla, what more can you ask for?"
Hundred, which is scheduled to stream from Aril 25 on Hotstar, traces the misadventures of two contrasting women, set in the backdrop of Mumbai. On Tuesday, Lara Dutta shared the trailer of Hundred on her Instagram profile and wrote, "Hotstar Hundred Trailer. Hum launch ke liye koi idea pe agree hi nahi kar paye, par trailer aap tak zaroor le aaye hai! Hum aa rahe hain dikhaane apni jodi ki daring in Hotstar Specials presents Hundred (We couldn't agree on an idea for launch but we brought the trailer to you. We are coming to show the chronicles of our daring duo). All episodes out on April 25 only on Disney plus Hotstar VIP."
Lara Dutta who plays the character of ACP Saumpa Shukla in the series, also shared her look from the film and wrote, "ACP Saumya Shukla ke kuch avatar!"
Directed by Ruchi Narain, Hundred also stars Karan Wahi, Sudhanshu Pandey, Parmeet Sethi, Rohini Hattangidi, Arun Nalawde and Makarand Deshpande.