The 60-year-old actor's controversial comments about Hitler occurred during a discussion with George Butler about three decades ago while filming scenes for the 1977 documentary Pumping Iron.
Action star Arnold Schwarzenegger hasclarified that he did make admiring comments about AdolfHitler but only for his speaking abilities during the shootingof a 1977 documentary.
The 60-year-old actor's controversial comments aboutHitler occurred during a discussion with George Butler aboutthree decades ago while filming scenes for the 1977documentary Pumping Iron, reported Daily Mail.
In his autobiography Total Recall: My Unbelievably TrueLife Story, Schwarzenegger revisits the episode: "Iphilosophised that only a few men are born to lead, while therest of humanity is born to follow, and went from that intodiscussing history's great conquerors and dictators. I admiredHitler's speaking ability, though not what he did with it."
Schwarzenegger's Hitler comment never made it into thefinal cut of George Butler's film, but his words taken fromthe transcript of his interview with the director surfacedwhen ABC News and the New York Times received copies of an unpublished book proposal.
In the original interview, he had said, "I admiredHitler, for instance, because he came from being a little manwith almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him forbeing such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."
The 60-year-old actor's controversial comments aboutHitler occurred during a discussion with George Butler aboutthree decades ago while filming scenes for the 1977documentary Pumping Iron, reported Daily Mail.
In his autobiography Total Recall: My Unbelievably TrueLife Story, Schwarzenegger revisits the episode: "Iphilosophised that only a few men are born to lead, while therest of humanity is born to follow, and went from that intodiscussing history's great conquerors and dictators. I admiredHitler's speaking ability, though not what he did with it."
Schwarzenegger's Hitler comment never made it into thefinal cut of George Butler's film, but his words taken fromthe transcript of his interview with the director surfacedwhen ABC News and the New York Times received copies of an unpublished book proposal.
In the original interview, he had said, "I admiredHitler, for instance, because he came from being a little manwith almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him forbeing such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."