Kiara Advani recently reacted to rumours about her personal life. In a recent interview with India Today, the actress said that she "isn't completely immune" to it. India Today quoted Kiara Advani as saying, "I am not completely immune to it, especially when it [rumour] is about your personal life. On the professional front, thankfully, I have never had an experience where something has been said that has affected me or my family, but on the personal front, when they add two and two, that's when I am like, where is this coming from?"
Kiara questioned the source of rumours about her personal life and said, "If it is frivolous, then even they [family] don't appreciate it, naturally. What bothers me is that at the end of the day you are here for your work to speak, so you don't want other aspects of your life to take the spotlight, but you cannot help it. I guess we have to develop that thick skin. You have to turn a blind eye, the more you react, there is no end to it. Who is this source? I want to know who are these mirch masala wale sources?"
Kiara recently worked with Kartik Aaryan for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which has reportedly earned over Rs 175 crore at the box office. She will star in Jugjugg Jeeyo with Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor in the lead, which is slated to release on June 24, 2022.
Later, Kiara has Govinda Naam Merawith Vicky Kaushal and Bhumi Pednekar. She has also collaborated with Ram Charan for S Shankar's debut film.