A still from the movie Chennai Express
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's blockbusterChennai Express is all set for a trip to Egypt this Octoberthus marking the return of Bollywood in the country after agap of 25 years.
The Indian Embassy yesterday announced the return ofIndian movies to Egyptian theatres from October this year.United Motion Pictures, facilitated by Gaurang Films andthe Indian Embassy in Cairo, will bring to Egyptian audiencestheir much loved Indian actors and actresses on the bigscreen.
Chennai Express, starring Shah Rukh and Deepika Padukonewill hit Egyptian theatres in Cairo and Alexandria starting October 2.
In the initial run, the movie will run in 8 theatres inCairo and two theatres in Alexandria, including at all majortheatres and multiplexes.
Chennai Express will be followed by other equally bigreleases such as Krissh 3, starring Hrithik Roshan andDhoom 3, starring Aamir Khan, this December. All films willcarry Arabic subtitles.
Welcoming the development, the Indian Ambassador in Cairo,Navdeep Suri, remarked that no conversation about India inEgypt is complete without a mention of Indian cinema.
"The return of Indian films marks an important step instrengthening people to people ties between the two countries.It is an affirmation of the love and affection that Egyptians,across all walks of life, continue to hold for India. Evenwhen Bollywood did not play at theatres, Egyptians followedthe fortunes of their favourite actors and actresses," Surisaid.
"I am constantly amazed by the passion with which so manyEgyptians follow Indian films - even in places like a smallvillage near Komombo which I visited recently. While the oldergeneration recalls classics like Sangam and Suraj, theyounger generation seems to be much more in tune with AmitabhBachchan and Shah Rukh Khan," he said.
The return of Indian films to Egyptian theatres also takesplace as India celebrates 100 years of cinema.The timing of the movie to be released is quiteappropriate for Egyptians who will be celebrating Bayrammid-October.
The Indian Embassy yesterday announced the return ofIndian movies to Egyptian theatres from October this year.United Motion Pictures, facilitated by Gaurang Films andthe Indian Embassy in Cairo, will bring to Egyptian audiencestheir much loved Indian actors and actresses on the bigscreen.
Chennai Express, starring Shah Rukh and Deepika Padukonewill hit Egyptian theatres in Cairo and Alexandria starting October 2.
In the initial run, the movie will run in 8 theatres inCairo and two theatres in Alexandria, including at all majortheatres and multiplexes.
Chennai Express will be followed by other equally bigreleases such as Krissh 3, starring Hrithik Roshan andDhoom 3, starring Aamir Khan, this December. All films willcarry Arabic subtitles.
Welcoming the development, the Indian Ambassador in Cairo,Navdeep Suri, remarked that no conversation about India inEgypt is complete without a mention of Indian cinema.
"The return of Indian films marks an important step instrengthening people to people ties between the two countries.It is an affirmation of the love and affection that Egyptians,across all walks of life, continue to hold for India. Evenwhen Bollywood did not play at theatres, Egyptians followedthe fortunes of their favourite actors and actresses," Surisaid.
"I am constantly amazed by the passion with which so manyEgyptians follow Indian films - even in places like a smallvillage near Komombo which I visited recently. While the oldergeneration recalls classics like Sangam and Suraj, theyounger generation seems to be much more in tune with AmitabhBachchan and Shah Rukh Khan," he said.
The return of Indian films to Egyptian theatres also takesplace as India celebrates 100 years of cinema.The timing of the movie to be released is quiteappropriate for Egyptians who will be celebrating Bayrammid-October.