To create awareness for breast cancer, Bipasha and Milind Soman have teamed up for an initiative 'Pinkathon 2012', a running event for women.
Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu saidthat breast cancer is a much neglected ailment in India andmost women do not take it as seriously as they should.To create awareness for breast cancer, Bipasha and MilindSoman have teamed up for an initiative 'Pinkathon 2012', arunning event for women.
"I am delighted to be part of this effort to raiseawareness about breast cancer. I hope the people of Mumbaisupport us. Breast cancer is a much neglected ailment inIndia, most women don't take it as seriously as they should,"Bipasha told reporters here.
"And events like this will only help making women moreaware and alert about this disease," she said.
An event management company, Maximus Events, led byfitness enthusiast Milind Soman along with Reema Sanghavi,Managing Director of Maximus Events, today announced India'sfirst ever 10km run for women named 'Pinkathon - Run to Lead'with an objective to spread awareness about breast cancer andeducate people about the causes and prevention of thisailment.
Maximus Events has joined hands with Deveika Bhojwani,Vice President, Women's Cancer Initiative-Tata MemorialHospital for this initiative.
Fitness aficionado Bipasha Basu officially launched theregistrations for the event for participants from across thecountry.
Milind feels running help prevent breast cancer."Over the last few years I have come to learn byexperience the benefits of running as a perfect fitnessregime. It is an activity that not only promotes well beingbut also raises immunity levels and improves health to helpfight diseases like cancer," Milind said.
The 10 km run scheduled in the business hub of BandraKurla Complex will be held on December 16. This will be thefirst of the planned ten-city series across India in thecoming years.
"I am hopeful that the city of Mumbai will live up toits famed spirit and support the cause of spreading awarenessabout breast cancer while raising adequate funds for thesame," Milind said.
Around 2,000 women are expected to take part in thisevent on December 16. The organisers have given participatingwomen an option to choose between 3km, 5km and 10km runs.
"I am delighted to be part of this effort to raiseawareness about breast cancer. I hope the people of Mumbaisupport us. Breast cancer is a much neglected ailment inIndia, most women don't take it as seriously as they should,"Bipasha told reporters here.
"And events like this will only help making women moreaware and alert about this disease," she said.
An event management company, Maximus Events, led byfitness enthusiast Milind Soman along with Reema Sanghavi,Managing Director of Maximus Events, today announced India'sfirst ever 10km run for women named 'Pinkathon - Run to Lead'with an objective to spread awareness about breast cancer andeducate people about the causes and prevention of thisailment.
Maximus Events has joined hands with Deveika Bhojwani,Vice President, Women's Cancer Initiative-Tata MemorialHospital for this initiative.
Fitness aficionado Bipasha Basu officially launched theregistrations for the event for participants from across thecountry.
Milind feels running help prevent breast cancer."Over the last few years I have come to learn byexperience the benefits of running as a perfect fitnessregime. It is an activity that not only promotes well beingbut also raises immunity levels and improves health to helpfight diseases like cancer," Milind said.
The 10 km run scheduled in the business hub of BandraKurla Complex will be held on December 16. This will be thefirst of the planned ten-city series across India in thecoming years.
"I am hopeful that the city of Mumbai will live up toits famed spirit and support the cause of spreading awarenessabout breast cancer while raising adequate funds for thesame," Milind said.
Around 2,000 women are expected to take part in thisevent on December 16. The organisers have given participatingwomen an option to choose between 3km, 5km and 10km runs.