Actor Ajay Devgn, who turned 52 on Friday, celebrated his birthday with his fans outside his Mumbai residence late night yesterday. When Ajay Devgn fans reached his house with a cake to wish him on his birthday, the actor stepped out of his home in a black tee and jeans and met the special visitors with a smile on his face. Ajay, following the necessary precautions against COVID, was spotted wearing a face shield while cutting a cake with his fans. The actor, on Friday evening, even shared a post, where he thanked his fans for "unstinted support and sincere birthday wishes."
He wrote: "Had it not been for the pandemic, I would have celebrated my birthday with my fans & fan club members. Since that couldn't happen, I thank each one of you for your unstinted support and sincere birthday wishes."
Check out the pictures of Ajay Devgn cutting his birthday cake with his fans outside his residence here:
And here's what he wrote on social media:
On Ajay Devgn's birthday, his first look from his forthcoming project RRR was unveiled. Sharing the motion poster of the film on Instagram, Ajay Devgn thanked the director for giving him a chance to play "such a powerful character."
"Load. Aim. Shoot. Thank you, SS Rajamouli for envisioning me in such an exciting and powerful character. #RRR #RRRMovie," he wrote.
Take a look at his post here:
Ajay Devgn co-stars with Jr NTR, Ram Charan and Alia Bhatt in the Rajamouli-directed film.