Anil Kapoor's 63rd birthday celebrations were full of style, or as Anil Kapoor would say, it was "ekdum jhakaas." Anil Kapoor's birthday celebrations were a family only affair. A picture of the Kapoor family, dressed in colour-coordinated outfits has been going insanely viral on social media. In the picture, Anil Kapoor can be seen happily posing with his wife Sunita Kapoor, his daughters - Sonam and Rhea. The picture also features Sonam's husband Anand Ahuja and Rhea's boyfriend Karan Boolani. Though Anil Kapoor's son Harshvardhan Kapoor was missing from the frame. The picture was originally shared by Rhea Kapoor on her Instagram story and was later curated by several fan clubs dedicated to the Kapoors on Instagram.
Check out the picture here:
Anil Kapoor's wife Sunita Kapoor also gave us a sneak peek into Anil Kapoor's birthday celebrations by sharing a picture on her Instagram profile and she accompanied the post along with a lovely caption, which read: "My day is not complete, if I don't tell you how much I love you. Happy birthday husband. Grateful to be sharing this life with you."
This is the picture we are talking about:
Sonam Kapoor, on Tuesday, shared a blast from the past to wish her "forever young" father Anil Kapoor and she wrote: "To the most inspiring, understanding, the most youthful person in the family. Thank you Dad for being my constant support system and my pillar of strength. I love you so much for everything that you do for us and all that you are."
Anil Kapoor had a busy year with films like Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, Total Dhamaal and Pagalpanti hitting the screens. The actor will next be seen in Malang and Karan Johar's period drama Takht.