Farhan Akhtar woke up to a special Sunday morning, reason Formula 1 Show Run event. The actor has treated his Insta family to a video that shows an F1 car passing by his house. It seems the actor enjoyed the event and recorded the video from the balcony of his house as in the caption, he wrote, "The sweet sight and sound of @f1 at my gate made for a special Sunday morning." He has also shared pictures featuring his wife Shibani Dandekar, and his friends, including Shakeel Ladak. Take a look below:
Meanwhile, Farhan Akhtar, who celebrated Holi with late veteran actor Satish Kaushik, shared an emotional post on his Instagram handle. Farhan note, "Rest in peace Satish uncle. I still can't believe that you're no longer with us. Just 2 days ago we were celebrating holi at Janki Kutir and having a laugh. And that's how I will always remember you.. as a man who filled the lives of all he met with positivity and laughter. I always walked away from our conversations feeling good about life because that's what spending time with a good person does. It uplifts the soul. You had that effect on all who knew you and you will be terribly terribly missed. Deepest condolences to the family."
On Holi, Farhan Akhtar wished his Insta family to a picture of him with his wife Shibani Dandekar, sporting Holi colours. In the caption, he simply wrote, "Happy holi."
Check out the post below:
On the work front, Farhan Akhtar was last seen in Ms Marvel as Waleed. Next, he will return as a director with the film Jee Le Zaraa, starring Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.