Kareena Kapoor and Karan Johar managed to take some time of their busy schedules and were spotted at fashion designer and close friend Manish Malhotra's Mumbai residence on Sunday night. Kareena Kapoor was spotted arriving at Manish Malhotra's house along with her close friends Amrita Arora and Natasha Poonawalla, while Karan Johar came solo. Kareena, looked stunning as ever in a crisp sky blue shirt, which she paired with a pair of blue denims and black heels. She accentuated her look with an over-sized camel tote (which we simply loved). Kareena was sporting minimal make-up. However, we missed Kareena's sister Karisma Kapoor, who frequently joins her as a plus one at parties.
Take a look at the pictures from last night here:
We got a glimpse of the celebs' get-together through Manish Malhotra's Instagram story, which was later poached by Natasha Poonawalla and Amrita Arora on their respective Instagram profiles. Manish Malhotra wrote: "Dinner with the fun girls."
Take a look at Manish Malhotra's Instagram story here:
For the get-together, Karan Johar opted for a quirky printed jacket. Amrita was dressed in a casual outfit, she was seen sporting an olive green jacket and denims, while Natasha Poonwalla looked chic in a classic LBD and pink stilettos.
Kareena Kapoor shares a great rapport with Karan Johar, Amrita Arora and Natasha Poonawalla and is frequently spotted partying with them. A few months ago, Kareena and Amrita, went to a trip in Dubai.
Take a look at the pictures here:
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor will next be seen in Good News, co-starring Akshay Kumar. She was last seen in Veere Di Wedding, alongside Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhasker and Shikha Talsania, while Karan Johar is currently seen hosting the talk show Koffee With Karan 6. He also features as a judge in India's Got Talent and his next directorial project is Takht, which also stars Kareena.